Isreom Ishov Satguruyogiprabhu Jnanda Moksha Brahmananda

I am a channel of God's love energy and compiler of facts, a lot of which are already available on this plane of existence. I taught my first class of Spiritual Growth Training and Awakening during the second week of October 1992. I have been steadily teaching and growing since then. On December 31st, 1992, I became an A.D.L. Ordained Minister. I have been on a four-year Karma Yoga walk during which time I became a Jnana Yogi. On November 11, 1995, was named Jnanda Brahmananda. I continued teaching and training and, in the Spring of 2001, became a Satguru with the title and name of Isreom Ishov Satguruyogiprabhu Jnanda Moksha Brahmananda. At that time, I had obtained 15 Divine Aspects and Attributes to be used to aid this planet and beings in soul-evolution. To read my literature and apply it is to know me. Namaste'

Meaning of my name: Isa Gave the Hebrew name to me of Isreom Ishov (The Will of God the People of God) which is also the name of my staff which is imbued by the Divine to aid me in carrying balancing, transmuting, and disseminating world karma.

My Sanskrit Yoga Veda title and name were both chosen and given to me by an ancient, enlightened Rishi who came to me. Meaning of my name: My Sanskrit Yoga Veda name which means: Sat = True / Gu = dark / Ru = light (from the darkness of Ignorance to the Light of Divine knowledge) / Yogi = teacher of union / Prabhu = of God / Jnanda = discernment / Moksha = liberation / Brahmananda = Divine Bliss... True Teacher of God Union with Discernment that leads one to Liberation and Divine Bliss.

These earned names took me 12 ½ years of training including a four-year karma yoga walk to obtain.
