Devaaya Avirodha Ananda

The glorification of the Divine has been growing as the center of my life since 2016, and initially led me to experiment with various paths including Sufism and Buddhism. After countless hours of practice, working with different teachers, and overhauling my life, a lot of life still felt like tundra trudging.

I first met Jnanda at an auspicious pumpkin fair in Ukiah. A year later, after many experiences including a meditative experience that included (among many other things) the being that he is giving me my spiritual name and duty on the inner, I finally decided to work with him. That decision and experience came from moving from spirituality as focused mainly on meditative and devotional union with the Divine, to focusing on all four of the main yogas of life leading to Divine union with an emphasis on dutiful selfless service on the physical plane and beyond. I am very grateful to my spiritual brother Saucha for being a great example of the possibilities of divine change during the first year while I lingered on the fence.

While the emergence brought by para-atma(higher samadhi) experiences is life changing, adding on taking full responsibility for all aspects and levels of the being one is leads to a more thorough mergence that grounds divine change unceasingly.

Jnanda’s training, anchored by selfless service, has led to mental-emotional healing and spiritual abilities that I could not previously even dream of. The horizon of growth has continually made itself known as infinite as the Divine itself.

Vocationally, I have worked in the mental health field in wilderness therapy and drug rehabilitation centers all with a focus on trauma-informed recovery. After going back to school at Tennessee Tech for electrical engineering and mathematics, I am starting employment at Oak Ridge National Labs working as a researcher for their fusion program under the umbrella of ITER.

Carrying this project out, while not always easy for my lower/outer bodies, has been a very direct and beautiful expression of everything we have and continue to learn.

I wish you all the purity, skill, and power of choice needed for whatever path of Divine Love you choose.