
Yuga Ashram

Modalities for Divine Change

Divine Growth Through Action

We are a Karma Yoga Ashram dedicated to helping others discover their own personal connection to the Divine.

While karma yoga, the yoga of action, is our primary focus in building our community, it is balanced with Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, Jnana yoga, the yoga of discernment and learning, and Raja yoga, the yoga of doing spiritual practices. This balance allows us to experience Divine growth on all levels and aspects of the beings that we are—spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. We live by the tenants of soul evolution, work daily to build our self-sustainable community, and provide Divine service towards all who visit. Namaste’

A true enlightened being sees the 4 main Yogas of life in all religious systems to one degree or another. The major religions of the world all teach: Bhakti-Devotion, Jnana-Discernment/wisdom, Raja-Spiritual practices or disciplines, and Karma-servitude, doing or non-doing of, by, for the Divine and releasing the outcome to the Divine.


It all starts with Jnana Yoga: the yoga of discernment, wisdom, wise-domain, learning, teaching, and knowledge. When one looks around and says "This needs to be different, or change needs to occur here for the better", they now have invoked Jnana / Discernment. They then attract with this "change momentum" the other three yogas of life. Depending upon the individual's amount of humility, remorse, and sincerity (patience, perseverance), which are the three main ingredients of soul evolution, a being will attract different levels of the four main yogas to themselves.

After the Jnana Yoga comes Bhakti Yoga: which is devotion / Love to the Divine Cause of change for the better, and love of God.

Then comes aspects of Karma Yoga, which has the main facets of: doing / action or non-doing / non-action, of by and for the Divine; the release-meant of the outcome to the Divine; and selfless servitude of God through humankind.

Raja Yoga is the practice of spiritual disciplines: the discipline to build a spiritual momentum, maintain a spiritual momentum, and develop with those momentums more Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga will bring about Union with your own Divine nature, which is the Divine One.

Forever in service,



Jnanda Moksha Brahmananda

“It is not how fast a flower blooms, but the fact that it blooms. Be the flower and bloom.”

-Satguruyogiprahbu Jnanda Moksha Brahmananda